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"I FEEL SICK"... like I have been emotionally, pricked... I can't seem to shake it... It's too hard right now, to break it... It feels like someone plotted this - and set me up!... I taste Gatorade in my cup!... It feels like someone is blaming me, for something they are responsible for... People keep coming into my life - from out of nowhere - just as if they came and knocked directly on my door..! And I opened; and they came right on in... At first, I didn't see the plot; like always, I see it in the end - realizing, they were never my friend... Once I peep their game - I began to feel sick... Because, I slipped and got burned, again.... I know one thing; this kind of stuff here, was not part of my plan... So, here I am again - making a brand new stand... I have to! - because, I am still alive! And because, what happens to me, is not as important as how I handle the situation; and the Lord is on my side... HE ( GOD) have everything in the palms of HIS hands. Therefore, the show or scene must go on... Though I feel sick, later I will be strong... But, for how long?,,,, before, another trial comes along? Okay; I am getting sleepy... My eyes are watery; my nose is sneeze; I feel wheezy. Though my body is still full of energy... I must call it the night... Rest... "Peace be still". Now my stomach is upset; I think I'm about to cry... Goodnight, instead of good-bye... affordable items to wear for maid of the brides