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Some of us are writing stories today that, our children will not be happy reading tomorrow , we are also printing photos and recording videos that our families will never want to watch as time goes on.
Today is here for us to make the best or worse out of it, but tomorrow will always be there to remind us of our today, as today is reminding us of our yesterday, positions may come and go, organisations may come and go, dispensations may come and go, the little privileges we have today also may go some day, but the histories we created,and the people will remain, but I am sure most of us don't know this, or we even know but we keep thinking times will always favour us, we also believe that we may be around to tell our stories or edit the photos or videos we are making today, let me remind us that it is not possible.
Some day,our families or children shall be come victims of our today,our graves may never allow us to resurrect and come and back to make changes, even if we do wish and desire, this precious time you are playing with here today, even if you are lucky to sit back and look at it, you may be looking at it will so much pain,regrets and tears, many of us are busy planting landmines in this life instead of raising gardens of beautiful flowers, so that tomorrow when the gardens are fully grown, our children or families we be happy working through them, can any one walk freely and confidently on a land buried with mines, no one I guess. black colored items to wear that looks sexy
The evil things we are doing today in the dark or secret places,thinking no one is watching us, time is keenly watching us, the revelations will be strong and oozing with an unfriendly stench,we will wish we cry but tears will never flow, our oral cavities will never function.
That which you are planting today, will you be happy to seat back and watch it grow, the movies you are acting today, will you be happy watching them tomorrow,will you be able to repeat all that you are doing to day if tomorrow request that you should repeat, will the generation coming after you celebrate you or condemn you, all these and many more time will surely keep it for us, we must not forget.
You are here today, you may be there tomorrow,there is present and former.