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Home Remedies to Lose Weight in Your Hips
Extra weight in the hips is a problem for many people, especially women. Although you may be eager to lose the fat around your hips, spot-reducing fat isn't possible. Focus on adopting healthy habits at home to eliminate overall body fat. Losing fat all over your body helps you lose weight in your hips. A balanced diet, regular exercise and plenty of water provide an effective way to minimize your hips.
Eat Breakfast
Home Remedies to Lose Weight in Your Hips
Eating a balanced breakfast at home every morning helps you make healthier food choices throughout the day. Prepare a healthy breakfast at home to avoid grabbing a donut on the way to work. Taking time to eat breakfast each morning also starts your metabolism and helps you avoid overeating later in the day. Aim to eat about 400 to 500 calories at breakfast. For example, eat a cup of whole-grain cereal topped with berries and a cup of low-fat milk.
Consume a Balanced Diet
Home Remedies to Lose Weight in Your Hips
Reducing your fat and caloric intake is essential for weight loss. Fatty foods contain more calories, sodium and fat that add to the weight in your hips. Eating whole foods, such as produce, lean protein, whole grains and low- or nonfat dairy products, provides your body with necessary nutrients and fewer calories than processed, fast or junk foods. Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy foods instead of processed foods to help cut down on unnecessary calories. Preparing meals at home lets you control the calorie, fat and sodium content. Eating at home instead of at a restaurant also means you're likely to have fresh foods with less additives. Keep track of the amount of calories you eat each day to ensure you don't eat more calories than you burn. prom party wears specially designed for seventeen
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Get Aerobic Exercise
Home Remedies to Lose Weight in Your Hips
Aerobic exercise burns a significant number of calories per hour. Activities, such as running, burn calories while targeting your hips. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of exercise five or more days per week. If you're looking to lose weight, however, you may need to exercise for 60 to 90 minutes to see results. You don't have to have a gym membership or fancy equipment to burn calories. Many activities can be done in and around your home. Jog or walk around your neighborhood, climb stairs if you have them or perform a kickboxing DVD in your living room for an intense calorie-burning workout that helps burn fat in your lower body. Simply playing music and dancing around the house is another effective way to burn calories.
Home Remedies to Lose Weight in Your Hips
Woman in lunge pose Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Many strength-training exercises, such as squats and lunges, target your lower body, including your hips. Most of these exercises are performed using your body weight, which means they can be done at home without any equipment. Choose an area of your home that allows you to move around easily.
Try regular lunges, walking lunges and jumping lunges for an intense leg workout. Regular squats, one-legged squats and jumping squats use the large muscles in your legs and glutes, which burns more calories. Perform lower-body exercises in addition to exercise