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A people that defines it's self will always .. yes always be strong. ..
A people that live according the definition put on them will always be weak. ..
We as black people must define our self according to our vision. .
Cleansing ourselves of european concepts

I have read it all ..
But one thing is constantly said .. whiteman whiteman ...
Whitemen are doing social engineering. . While you blacks or niggers are praying and praying. . And keep on praying. .
My point is why dont we pick up the game .. now we know how it is played ..
My understanding of the word nigger is different from the us or American understanding. .

Indeed, the record reveals that when the Portuguese explorers went down the Afrikan coast until they reached below the Senegal river, they called the people whom they met "Moors" or "Azenegues." This name "was later transposed into English as Negroes." short white dresses

Why dont we start social engineering. .. our self ... call it black nationalism. . Or what ever ..
Purpose is empowerment or to add value our own identity .. or culture. ...
Yes there are many other words then negus ... or names like nigetia ect ect ..

I have a system i call the inverted way ...
Why do we feel offended when a white guy wear black face .... But we dont feel offended when a black person wear a blond Whig. ...
Why do we feel hurt .. by the black face .. because the purpose of the black face was to redecule the black race ..
The purpose of the blond Whig was to add value to something worthless. ..

Our reaction to words depends on our understanding of the words ...what is the emotional carring capacity of the word...
But to make a long story short ..
Lets give the DEGORATIVE words an other emotional carring capacity. . A positive one ..
The word jew was in the 1200 equal to thief ..ect ...
People gave it an other meaning. . From thief to god chosen people. .
Amen now means so be it ..

But now ...
Nigger can mean anything. ..
A big black guy if you want it to ..
It can mean a highly educated black man if you want it to ..
Or a thug..

What the conclusion is ..
Stop complaining about white social engineering. ... counter engineer that shit .
I hope that you understand. .
The key is .. counter social engineering
Use their own weapon against the whiteman. . Dont feel powerless

Humans Are Programmable Like A Computer
12 tribes psychology

The Mystical Nigger